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Lake County Plastic Surgery



Thanks for visiting our blog! We’re excited to help you on your journey to enhanced beauty and aesthetics. We’ll explore topics in cosmetic procedures that will have you looking your best. 

Call our practice and schedule an appointment to learn more ways to protect your smile and stay healthy.

Reconstructive Surgery Exploring Plastic Surgery Options After Skin Cancer Removal

Facing skin cancer is a battle that many endure, often leaving visible marks on the body. While the ...

May 16 • 3 min read
Reconstructive Surgery Questions Parents Ask About Pediatric Ear Reconstruction

As a parent, discovering that your child needs pediatric ear reconstruction can be a challenging and...

Mar 21 • 3 min read
Reconstructive Surgery How Reconstructive Surgery Supports Gender-Affirming Care

Embarking on a gender-affirming journey is a deeply personal and empowering experience, and reconstr...

Feb 22 • 3 min read
Reconstructive Surgery How Breast Reconstruction Can Improve Your Quality of Life

Embracing life after breast cancer involves not only overcoming physical challenges but also navigat...

Jan 25 • 2 min read
Reconstructive Surgery Who Is a Good Candidate for Carpal Tunnel Surgery?

Living with carpal tunnel syndrome can be a daily challenge, impacting one’s ability to perfor...

Dec 28 • 3 min read
Reconstructive Surgery Exploring the Benefits of Reconstructive Surgery for Cancer Patients

Cancer diagnosis is a life-altering event, and the journey towards recovery often involves a range o...

Sep 21 • 2 min read
Reconstructive Surgery How Reconstructive Surgery Can Reduce and Repair Scars

Scars are the lasting reminders of our body’s incredible ability to heal itself after injury o...

Aug 31 • 2 min read
Reconstructive Surgery Reconstructive Burn Surgery: What Are Your Options?

Suffering from a burn injury can be a devastating experience, both physically and emotionally. Recon...

Aug 17 • 3 min read
Reconstructive Surgery Reconstructive Surgery for Facial Trauma: Restoring Form and Function

Facial trauma can have a profound impact on both physical and emotional well-being. Whether caused b...

Jul 20 • 3 min read
Reconstructive Surgery Tattoo Removal: What Are Your Options?

Getting a tattoo can be an exciting way to express your individuality. However, over time and with l...

Mar 9 • 2 min read
